Monday, November 27, 2006

The Cutting Creative Edge...with a virtual pen...

Almost every field has been effected by the internet and computers. This is especially true for creatives, both fine artists and designers alike. Software such as Illustrator, In Design, Photoshop and Flash have drastically changed the way art and design are being done. Change isn't always a bad thing. Virtual tools are now being used to do things that were once done by hand. Technology is improving at a rapid speed which means that we are getting better results with less effort. This can be both bad and good. While it is becoming easier for anyone to create a logo from home, new tools and programs have also allowed new ground to be broken. Programs like Flash allow you to experience design that is interactive and animated. Websites using Flash are more than creativity, they are virtual systems of organization and presentation in ways a book could never be.

1 comment:

Virtual said...

Within this field, a competition for the newest and best is always present. This has forced people to update their programs every few years in order to stay on the cutting edge. This is an industry within the creative industry which has pulled a lot of money that would've been spent on design markers, Paper and font sets 25 years ago.