Sunday, November 26, 2006


Break through into immersive Virtual Reality with VirtuSphere™ - the unique simulation platform that allows lifelike movements in cyberspace.

6 degrees of freedom – move in any direction. Walk, crawl, run over virtually unlimited distances.

VirtuSphere can be compatible with all computer based simulations. It is versatile. Need to change the purpose of use? Just reload the software.

Learn more about what makes VirtuSphere the best solution for fullness of immersion and simplicity - for your simulation and training needs.

With the creation of the VirtuSphere™, Virtual Reality technology has developed sufficiently to permit users to leave behind the keyboard or mouse and immerse in this exciting new medium. The VirtuSphere is currently the only technology in the world, which permits the user to move about in virtual space through the most natural movement of all – by walking.

The device consists of a large hollow sphere, which is placed on a special platform that allows the sphere to rotate in any direction as the user walks within the sphere.

The user enters the sphere with a head mounted display, which permits virtual vision in any direction. As the user moves, the sensors under the sphere transmit information about the users speed and direction to the computer. The user looks at the head mounted display and sees a virtual three dimensional space which is generated by the computer in response to his-or-her movements. The user can interact with objects in virtual space with the help of a special manipulator. View these videos to see how the VirtuSphere works.

The VirtuSphere allows the user to walk “inside" computer generated virtual space while being totally immersed. For example, the user could carry out "virtual explorations" of museums or a new city, or conduct police or military training in a much more realistic manner than that which has been possible until now.

VirtuSphere is a corporation registered in the state of Washington. Our corporate headquarters office is located in Redmond, Washington, USA.

  • Nurakhmed “Ray” Latypov – CEO, Co-inventor of the VirtuSphere
    • Physicist, with experience in bringing products from idea to development. He has successfully developed and licensed a computer game to Microsoft
    • Winner of many international invention/technology awards
  • Dr. Angelo Mastrangelo – Chairman
    • Successful entrepreneur. After selling his major business, he earned an Executive MBA from Harvard, and later his PhD in Leadership Studies from the University of Albany
    • Professor, Binghamton University School of Management, SUNY
  • Nurulla Latypov – CTO, Co-inventor of the VirtuSphere
    • Physicist, with extensive experience in software development and management of operational and legal issues
    • Winner of many international invention/technology awards
  • Dr. Sharon Davison - VP of Development
    • Vice-President, Paperless Business Systems. Professor, Seattle University, teaches course on UI design
    • Co-author: Virtual Reality Terms; Author: The utility of mental models and visualization in training (applied VR

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